Wang Qing
1.doctor, researcher, master's supervisor
2.one of the top 100 talents in science and technology
Research direction:
(1)Prevention and control of virus diseases in aquatic animals
Representative of scientific and technological achievements (first author or corresponding author only)
1) Qing Wang, Hualiang Xie, Weiwei Zeng, Linchuan Wang, Chun Liu, Jiexing Wu,Yingying Wang, Yingying Li, Sven M. Bergmann. Development of indirect immunofluorescence assay for TCID50 measurement of grass carp reovirus genotype II without cytopathic effect onto cells. Microbial Pathogenesis, 2018, 114:68–74
2) Qing Wang, Weiwei Zeng, Liang Yin, Yingying Wang, Chun Liu, Yingying Li, Shucheng Zheng, Cunbin Shi. Comparative study on physical-chemical and biological characteristics of grass carp reovirus from different genotypes. Journal of The World Aquaculture Society, 2016, 47(6):862-872.
3) Qing Wang, Weiwei Zeng, Chun Liu, Chao Zhang, Yingying Wang, Cunbin Shi, Shuqin Wu. Complete genome sequence of a reovirus isolated from grass carp indicating different genotypes of GCRV in China. Journal of Virology, 2012, 86(22):12466.
4) Qing Wang, Weiwei Zeng, KaibinB Li, Ouqin Chang, Chun Liu, Guanghui Wu, CunbinB Shi, Shuqin Wu. Outbreaks of an iridovirus in Marbled Sleepy Goby, Oxyeleotris marmoratus, cultured in southern China. Journal of fish diseases, 2011,34: 399-402.
5)Shucheng Zheng, Yingying Li, Qing Wang*, Jiexing Wu, Yingying Wang, Weiwei Zeng, Sven M. Bergmann, Yan Ren, Cunbin Shi. Identification of one novel envelope protein encoded by ORF136 from Cyprinid herpesvirus 3. Archives of Virology, 2017, 162:3849–3853.
6)Shucheng Zheng, Qing Wang*, Sven M. Bergmann, Yingying Li, Weiwei Zeng, Yingying Wang, Chun Liu, Cunbin Shi. Investigation of latent infections caused by Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 in koi (Cyprinus carpio) in southern China. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 2017, 29(3):366–369.