Wang Xuejie
1.bachelor, a specially appointed researcher of the Institute
2.a top-notch young and middle-aged talent of China Academy of Fishery Sciences
Research direction:
(1)Fish genetics, breeding and standardization
E-mail:aqwang2@163.com; wxj@www.188233.com
Representative of scientific and technological achievements (first author or corresponding author only)
1.Wang Xuejie, Tian Yuan, Liu Yi, Mou Xidong, Liu Chao, Hu Yinchang, Luo Jianren *. Histological observation on gonadal development of teleost [J]. Acta fisheries Sinica, 2014, 38 (4): 525-531
2. Xuejie Wang, Yuan Tian, Xidong Mu, Yi Liu, Chao Liu, Yinchang Hu, Jianren Luo*. The restriction site amplified polymorphism (RSAP) used for sex identification of Osteoglossum bicirrhosum.Journals of Animal Science Advances, 2013, 3(11): 584-588
3. Wang Xuejie, Lai Mingxin, Mou Xidong, song Hongmei, Yang Yexin, Luo Du, Gu dangen, Luo Jianren, Hu Yinchang *. Preliminary study on the biology and karyotype of Astronotus ocellatus [J]. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences, 2012, 39 (3): 126-128
4. Wang Xuejie, Lai Mingxin, song Hongmei, Liu Chao, Liu Yi. Effects of four carriers on nitrification in aquaculture water circulation system [J]. Scientific fish culture, 2015 (9): 50-52
5. Wang Xuejie, Liu Yi, song Hongmei, Qiu Baojun. Three breeding methods of tilapia Brandt [J]. Ocean and fisheries, 2016 (9): 52-53
6. Agricultural industry standard "conditions of ornamental fish farm goldfish" (SC / t5101-2012). (1st adult)
7. Agricultural industry standard "goldfish grading lion head" (SC / t5701-2014). (1st adult)
8. Agricultural industry standard "goldfish grading Longjing" (SC / T 5705-2016). (1)
9. Guangdong local standard "technical specification for culture of ornamental fish parrot fish" (DB44 / T 1283-2013). (1st adult)
10. Culture technology and management of Koi. Beijing, Ocean Press, 2017, editor in chief.
11. Conservation and appreciation of Koi (Conservation and appreciation of ornamental fish series), Guangzhou, Guangdong science and Technology Press, 2017, editor in chief.
12. Conservation and appreciation of dragon fish (Conservation and appreciation series of ornamental fish) Guangzhou, Guangdong science and Technology Press, 2016, editor in chief.
13. Conservation and appreciation of tropical fish King fairy fish (Conservation and appreciation series of ornamental fish) Guangzhou, Guangdong science and Technology Press, 2014, editor in chief.