Hu Yinchang
1. The researcher of Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute
2. The chief scientist of urban fisheries discipline
3. The director of the Key Laboratory of leisure fishery of the Ministry of agriculture
4. The chairman of the ornamental fish sub Technical Committee of the national fisheries standardization committee
Research direction:
(1) Invasion of alien species and breeding of rare ornamental fish
Telephone: 020-81616088;13902214008
E-mail: huyc2@163.com
Representative of scientific and technological achievements (first author or corresponding author only)
1. Yinchang Hu, Xidong Mu, Du Luo, et al. Genetic variability of the invasive snail, Pomacea canaliculata, in South China based on mitochondrial 16S DNA sequence. Biochemical systematics and ecology,2014, 57:203-209. IF=0.967 (first author, indexed by SCI)
2. Bian, C., Y. Hu, V. Ravi, I. S. Kuznetsova, X. Shen, X. Mu, Y. Sun, X. You, J. Li and X. Li, et al. The Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus) genome provides new insights into the evolution of an early lineage of teleosts Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 24501. IF=5.228 (tied for the first place, included in SCI)
3. Wei, H., Copp, G.H., Vilizzi, L., Liu, F., Gu, D., Luo, D. Meng Xu,Xidong Mu , Yinchang Hu*.The distribution, establishment and life-history traits of non-native sailfin catfishes Pterygoplichthys spp. in the Guangdong Province of China. Aquatic Invasions, 2017,12, 241-249. IF=2.069 (corresponding author, included in SCI)
4. Xu, M., X. Mu, J. Dick, M. Fang, D. Gu, D. Luo, J. Zhang, J. Luo and Y. Hu*. Comparative functional responses predict the invasiveness and ecological impacts of alien herbivorous snails PLoS ONE, 2016, 11: e0147017.IF=3.057.
5. Xu, M., J. T. A. Dick, A. Ricciardi, M. Fang, C. Zhang, D. Gu, X. Mu, D. Luo, H. Wei and Y. Hu*. Warming mediates the relationship between plant nutritional properties and herbivore functional responses. Ecology and Evolution, 2016. 6, 8777-8784 IF= 2.44 (corresponding author, included in SCI)
6. Agricultural industry standard "golden dragon fish" (sc5062-2017). (1st adult)
7. Agricultural industry standard general terms for ornamental fishery (SC / t5051-2012). (1st adult)
8. Identification Manual of common alien aquatic organisms in China, Science Press, 2015, editor in chief.
9. Guangzhou ornamental fish. Guangdong Economic Science Press, 2013, editor in chief.
10. Conservation and appreciation of ornamental fish series: conservation and appreciation of dragon fish, Guangdong science and Technology Press, 2016, deputy editor in chief.
11. Conservation and appreciation of ornamental fish series: conservation and appreciation of tropical fish, Guangdong science and Technology Press, 2014, deputy editor in chief.
12. Conservation and appreciation of ornamental fish series: conservation and appreciation of Koi, Guangdong science and Technology Press, 2017, deputy editor in chief.
13.《Biological Invasions and Its Management in China》Chapter 22, Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.), P77-89; Chapter 23, North African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), P91-98. Singapore: Springer Publishers,2017,Chief editor