Chen kunci
1. Bachelor, three level researcher, master supervisor
2. The member of ornamental fish sub committee of China Fisheries Standardization Technical Committee
3. The academic leader of aquatic germplasm resources and genetic breeding discipline of Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fishery
4.The scientist of Channa Argus germplasm resources and genetic improvement of national characteristic freshwater fish system
Research direction:
(1) Molecular assisted breeding of Hybrid Snakehead
(2) Breeding of all male Hybrid Snakehead
(3) Germplasm resources and genetic breeding of freshwater fish in healthy aquaculture
Telephone: 020-816165099;13609700201
Representative of scientific and technological achievements (first author or corresponding author only)
1. Ou M, Yang C, Luo Q, Huang R, Zhang AD, Liao LJ, Li YM, He LB, Zhu ZY, Chen KC*, Wang YP*. An NGS-based approach for the identification of sex-specific molecular markers in Snakehead (Channa argus), Oncotarget, 2017, 8(58): 98733-98744
2. Zhang XC, Zhu XP, Chen KC*, Zhao J, Luo Q, Hong XY. Comparison of the northern snakehead (Channa argus) and blotched snakehead (Channa maculata) and their reciprocal hybrids (C. maculata ♀?×?C. argus ♂ and C. argus ♀?×?C. maculata ♂) based on complete mitochondrial DNA sequences, Mitochondrial DNA, 2015, 26(5): 805-806
3. Chen KC*, Ma LS, Shi Y, Zhao J, Zhu XP. Genetic diversity analysis of cultured populations of Jade Perch (Scortum bacoo) in china using AFLP markers. Journal Agricultural and technology, 2011, 5(4): 455-461
4. Li Minfen, Luo Qing, Zhao Jian, Xu Hongyan, Shi Yan, Hong Xiaoyou, Zhu Xinping, Chen kunci *, effects of low temperature stress on serum biochemical indexes of Channa Argus, Channa maculata and their hybrids, genomics and applied biology, 2016, 35 (11): 3007-3017
5. Chen kunci *, Zhao Jian, Luo Qing, Channa Argus, China Fisheries, 2016 (1): 64-65
6. Chen kunci *, Zhu Xinping, Du Hejun, Xie Gang, Liu Yihui, Zheng Guangming, Chen Yongle, effects of temperature and salinity on embryonic development of Micropterus japonicus, China Fisheries Science, 2007, (6): 1032-1037
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