劉曉莉,女,1988年生,博士,副研究員,入選中國水產科學研究院水科英才“拔尖人才”培育計劃。上海海洋大學碩士生導師,院龜鱉遺傳育種創新團隊專業學術帶頭人,農業農村部熱帶亞熱帶水產資源利用與養殖重點實驗室秘書,中國水產流通與加工協會龜鱉行業專家技術委員會委員。主要從事龜鱉動物生殖發育研究及種質挖掘與利用工作,先后主持國家自然科學基金青年項目、國家重點研發計劃藍色糧倉子課題、廣東省自然科學基金面上項目等各類項目11項,作為技術骨干參與國家自然科學基金面上項目、廣東省科技計劃項目等20余項。以第一或通訊作者(含共同)在Scientific Data、Biology of Reproduction、Heredity、Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology等雜志發表學術論文20余篇,獲鐘麟水產種業科技獎1項(第8完成人),參編著作2部,授權專利10余件(第1發明人1件)。
1.Zhang X,ZhaoJ,Zhou C,Li W,LiuY,Wei C,Wang Y,Hong X,Zhu XP*,LiuXL*. Assessing andscreening offemalefertility inartificiallybred Asianyellowpondturtles (Mauremys mutica)basedonparentageassignment. Animals.2024, 14:479.
2.Hong X, LiuH, Wang Y,LiM,Ji L, Wang K, Wei C,Li W,Chen C,Yu L,Zhu X*,Liu XL*. A chromosome-level genome assembly of the Asian giant softshell turtlePelochelys cantorii.SciData.2023,10(1):754.
3.Liu XL,Liu H,Wang Y,LiM,Ji L,WangK,Wei C,Li W,Chen C,Yu L, Zhu X*,Hong X*.Chromosome-levelanalysis of thePelochelys cantoriigenomeprovidesinsights toitsimmunity,growth andlongevity. Biology.2023, 12:939.
4.Hong X,Wang Y,Wang Y,Wei C,Li W,Yu L,Xu H,ZhuJ,Zhu X*,LiuXL*.Single-cellatlasreveals thehemocytesubpopulations andstressresponses in Asiangiantsoftshellturtles duringhibernation.Biology.2023, 12:994.
5.Liu XL, Wang Y, Yuan J, Liu F, Hong X, Yu L, Chen C, Li W, Ni W, Liu H, Zhao J, Wei C, Chen H, Liu Y, Zhu X. Chromosome-level genome assembly of Asian yellow pond turtle (Mauremys mutica) with temperature-dependent sex determination system. Sci Rep. 2022,12(1):7905.
6.Liu F, Xu H, Ni W, Wang Y, Hong X, Li W, Yu L, Chen C, Wei C,Liu XL*, Zhu X*. Temporal variation in DNA methylation during gonadal development in a reptile with temperature-dependent sex determination. Biol Reprod. 2022, 107(5): 1217-1227.
7.Liu XL,Liu F,Xu HY,Yang YP,Wang YK,Hong XY,Li W,Yu LY,; Chen C,Xu H,Zhu X*. Characterization of theinvitroculturedovariancells in the Asianyellowpondturtle (Mauremysmutica). Biology.2022, 11:1404.
8.Liu XL, Li W, Yang Y, Chen K, Li Y, Zhu X, Ye H, Xu H*. Transcriptome profiling of the ovarian cells at the single-cell resolution in adult Asian Seabass.Front Cell Dev Biol.2021, 9:647892.
9.Yuan J, Wang YK, Liu F, Li W, Hong XY, Chen C, Yu LY, Ni W, Wei C,Liu XL*, Zhu XP*. Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals the gonadal development-related gene response to environmental temperature inMauremys mutica. Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics.2021, 40:100925.
10.Ni W, Liu Y, Chen HG, Yu LY, Li W, Wang YK, Hong XY, Chen C, Yuan J, Liu F,Liu XL*, Zhu XP*. The complete mitochondrial genome ofPangasianodon hypophthalmus(Sauvage 1878) (Siluriformes, Pangasiidae). Mitochondrial DNA B Resour.2021,6(12):3391-3392.
11.Liu XL, Zhu YY, Zhao YY, Wang YK, Li W, Hong XY, Yu LY, Chen C, Xu H*, Zhu XP*.Vasaexpression is associated with sex differentiation in the Asian yellow pond turtle,Mauremys mutica. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol.2021, 336:431-442.
12.Liu XL#, Zhu YY#, Wang YK, Li W, Hong XY, Zhu XP*, Xu HY*. Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals the sexual dimorphic expression profiles of mRNAs and non-coding RNAs in the Asian yellow pond turtle (Mauremys mutica). Gene.2020, 750: 144756.
13.Liu XL#, Tang ZK#, Zhang PY, Zhu XP, Chu ZJ, Li W, Xu HY*. Identification and characterization ofDAZfamily genes in Chinese soft-shell turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol.2019, 9: 13030-13042.
14.Liu XL#, Li W#, Ye ZY, Zhu YY, Hong XY, Zhu XP*.Morphological characterization and phylogenetic relationships of Indochinese box turtles-theCuora galbinifronscomplex.Ecol Evol. 2019, 9(23):13030-13042.
15.Liu XL, Wang YK, Ouyang S, Zhu YY, Li W, Hong XY, Xu HY*, Zhu XP*. Evolutionary conservation oftransferringenomic organization and expression characterization in seven freshwater turtles.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2018, 506(4): 874-882.
16.Li X#,Liu XL#, Zhu Y, Zhang J, Ding M, Wang M, Wang Z, Li Z, Zhang X, Zhou L,Gui JF*.Origin and transition of sex determination mechanisms in a gynogenetic hexaploid fish. Heredity.2018, 121: 64-74.
17.Liu XL, Jiang FF, Wang ZW, Li XY, Li Z, Zhang XJ, Chen F, Mao JF, Zhou L, Gui JF*. Wider geographic distribution and higher diversity of hexaploids than tetraploids in Carassius species complex reveal recurrent polyploidy effects on adaptive evolution. Sci Rep.2017, 7: 5395.
18.Liu XL, Li XY, Jiang FF, Wang ZW, Li Z, Zhang XJ, Zhou L, Gui JF*. Numerous mtDNA haplotypes reveal multiple independent polyploidy origins of hexaploids inCarassiusspecies complex.Ecol Evol.2017, 7: 10604-10615.
19.徐昊旸,洪孝友,魏成清,劉毅輝,李偉,朱新平*,劉曉莉*.基于無殼孵化黃喉擬水龜胚胎發育活體觀察.水生生物學報, 2023, 47(11):1869-1876.
20.徐昊旸,楊雪瑩,倪未,劉芳,陳海港,朱新平*,劉曉莉*.烏龜選育世代遺傳多樣性及遺傳結構的微衛星分析.大連海洋大學學報, 2023, 38(5):812-818.
21.徐昊旸,彭明偉,朱新平*,劉曉莉*.虎紋麝香龜家庭繁養技術.科學養魚,2023, 09: 026.
22.劉曉莉#,唐舟凱,張飄逸,朱新平,儲張杰,李偉,吳栩靈,徐紅艷*.中華鱉boule基因在生殖細胞中的表達分析.動物學雜志,2019(1): 66-75.
23.劉曉莉,朱新平.中國龜鱉產業形勢與創新發展.珠江水產科學,2018, 9(3): 115-120.