(2)農業農村部財政專項:珠江流域漁業資源及棲息地調查, 2024.01-2026.12,參與;
(3)所基本科研業務費項目:珠三角河網水草床修復技術研究, 2022.01-2023.12,主持;
(8)所基本科研業務費項目:珠江河網典型水草床生態服務功能調查研究, 2018.01-2019.12,主持;
(10)廣東省自然科學基金博士啟動基金:基于穩定同位素技術研究鉈在河流食物網中的累積與傳遞規律, 2015.08-2018.08,主持;
(1) Haiyan Li, Yanyi Zeng*, Chao Wang, Weiwei Chen, Mengyao Zou. Variation in the burden and chemical forms of thallium in non-detoxified tissues of tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) from waterborne exposure. Chemosphere, 2023, 333: 138884.
(2) Haiyan Li, Xuesong Wang*, Yongzhan Mai, Zini Lai, Yanyi Zeng*. Potential of microplastics participate in selective bioaccumulation of low-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons depending on the biological habits of fishes. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 858: 159939.
(3) Yanyi Zeng*, Wanling Yang, Haiyan Li, Zini Lai, Chao Wang, Qianfu Liu, Yuan Gao, Yongzhan Mai. Decline in submerged macrophyte beds in the Pearl River Delta, China, 2015–2020. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 144: 109498.
(4) YanyiZeng, Zini Lai, Wanling Yang, et al. Thallium acute toxicity to aquatic organisms from the Pearl River (China) and the preliminary implication for water quality criteria. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2019, 28(12A):9849-9858.
(5) YanyiZeng, Zini Lai, Wanling Yang, et al. Stable isotopes reveal food web reliance on different carbon sources in a subtropical watershed in South China. Limnologica, 2018, 69:39-45.
(6) YanyiZeng, Zini Lai, Wanling Yang, et al. Distribution of heavy metals in surface sediments from the Pearl River outlets, South China: five-year monitoring program. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018,27(1):574-583.
(7) YanyiZeng, Zini Lai, Wanling Yang, et al. Multivariate statistical analysis of heavy metals in water from the Pearl River watershed, South China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2017,26(5):3350-3357.
(8) YanyiZeng, Zini Lai, Binhe Gu, et al. Heavy metal accumulation patterns in tissues of Guangdong bream (Megalobrama terminalis) from the Pearl River, China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2014,23(3a):851-858.
(9)李毅,楊婉玲,王超,賴子尼,李海燕,劉乾甫,高原,麥永湛,曾艷藝*.珠江河網密刺苦草種群衰退的表觀性狀特征指示.水生態學雜志,2024, 45(4):20-29.
(10)李毅#,曾艷藝#,劉乾甫,李海燕,高原,楊婉玲,孫金輝*,王超*.不同沉水植物對日本沼蝦生長存活及水環境影響特征.中國漁業質量與標準,2023, (6): 1-10.
(11)曾艷藝,楊婉玲,王超,等.珠江河網典型水草床與貝類群落生物量特征.生態學雜志, 2020,39(1):172-179.
(12)曾艷藝,楊婉玲,李海燕,等.珠江河網典型段基礎碳源對水生動物的貢獻.生態學雜志, 2018,37(8):2403-2410.
(13)曾艷藝,賴子尼,楊婉玲,等.亞熱帶河網濕地沉積物重金屬分布及風險評價.環境科學與技術, 2018,41(4):190-196.
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(15)曾艷藝,賴子尼,楊婉玲,等.銅和鎘對珠江天然仔魚和幼魚的毒性效應及其潛在生態風險.生態毒理學報, 2014, 9(1): 49–55.