Tao Jiafa
1.bachelor, researcher, master supervisor
2.Director and post scientist of Genetic Improvement Research Office of national characteristic freshwater fish industry technology system
Research direction:
(1)Aquatic diseases and immunity
Representative of scientific and technological achievements (first author or corresponding author only)
1. Establishment of production technology of inactivated vaccine stock solution of Pathogenic Aeromonas hydrophila in Siniperca chuatsi, Tao Jiafa, Lai yingyao, Ren Yan, Gong Hua, Kang Guanghui, Zhang you, Shi Cunbin, Wu Shuqin, Chinese Journal of biological products, 2010,23 (11) 1222-1225
2. Improvement of production technology of inactivated vaccine of Aeromonas hydrophila J-1 strain, Tao Jiafa, Lai yingyao, Ren Yan, Jiang Xiaoyan, Kang Guanghui, Zhang you, Shi Cunbin, Wu Shuqin, Chinese Journal of biological products, 2011,24 (3): 345-348
3. Preliminary establishment of production technology of inactivated Aeromonas vaccine, Tao Jiafa, Ren Yan, Luo Xia, Lai yingyao, Kang Guanghui, Zhang you, Shi Cunbin, Wu Shuqin, Chinese Journal of biological products, 2012.25 (3): 270-272
4. Preliminary study on inactivation conditions of Vibrio by formalin, Tao Jiafa, Lai yingyao, Ren Yan, Kang Guanghui, Zhang you, Shi Cunbin, Wu Shuqin, Chinese Journal of biological products, 2011,24 (1): 64-66
5. Preliminary study on fermentation technology of Vibrio, Tao Jiafa, Lai yingyao, Ren Yan, Kang Guanghui, Zhang you, Shi Cunbin, Wu Shuqin, industrial microbiology, 2011,41 (3): 86-89
6. Large scale high density culture and induced expression of recombinant outer membrane protein OmpK, Tao Jiafa, Lai YingYuan, sun Chengwen, Ren Yan, biotechnology, 2013, 23 (3): 60-62