Professor Xinping Zhu
1. Doctor, researcher, doctoral supervisor
2. The deputy director of the Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute
3. The director of the Key Laboratory for utilization and breeding of tropical and subtropical aquatic resources of the Ministry of agriculture
4. Thedirector of the aquatic product quality and Safety Risk Assessment Laboratory of the Ministry of agriculture (Guangzhou)
5. Thedirector of the aquatic germplasm supervision, inspection and testing center of the Ministry of agriculture (Guangzhou)
Research direction:
1. Protection and utilization of turtle germplasm resources;
2. Development and utilization of special fish and cultivation of new species;
3. Aquatic product quality safety and standardization research.
Address: Liwang district, Guangzhou 510380, CHINA
Telephone: 020-8153737813802921360
E-mail: zhuxinping_1964@163.com
Representative of scientific and technological achievements (first author or corresponding author only)
1. Li W, Zhang PY , Wu XL, Zhu XP*, Xu XY*. A novel dynamic expression of vasa in male germ cells during Spermatogenesis in the Chinese soft-shell turtle (Pelidiscus sinensis).J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol, 2017, 328(3): 230-239.
2. Li SJ, Liu H, Bai JY, Zhu XP*. Transcriptome assembly and identification of genes and SNPs associated with growth traits in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Genetica, 2017, 145(2): 175-187.
3. Zhang, X. C., Zhao, J., Li, W., Wei, C. Q., & Zhu, X. P.. Multiple paternity in the cultured yellow pond turtles (Mauremys mutica). Animal Reproduction Science, 2017, 183 :46-55.
4. Zhao J, Zhang XC, Li W, Chen K, Zhang DD, Zhu XP*. SNP discovery and characterization from transcriptomes of Asian yellow pond turtle, Mauremys mutica. Conserv Genet Resour, 2016, 8(1): 17-21.
5. Zhao, J., Li, W., Wen, P., Zhang, D., & Zhu, X. Genetic diversity and relationship of Mauremys mutica and M. annamensis assessed by DNA barcoding sequences. Mitochondrial DNA Part A: DNA Mapping, Sequencing, and Analysis, 2016, 27(5):3507-3510
6. Li, T., Zhao, J., Li, W., Shi, Y., Hong, X. Y., & Zhu, X. P*. Development of microsatellite markers and genetic diversity analysis for Pelodiscus sinensis. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2016, 15 (3): gmr.15038346
7. Zhang, X. C., Li, W., Zhao, J., Chen, H. G., & Zhu, X. P*. Novel duplication pattern of the mitochondrial control region in Cantor's Giant softshell turtle Pelochelys cantorii. Gene, 2016, 593(1), 242-248.
8. Wang, Y., Zhao, J., Li, W., Zhang, X., Hong, X. and Zhu, X. Development of a Multiplex Microsatellite PCR Assay Based on Microsatellite Markers for the Mud Carp, Cirrhinus molitorella. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 2016, 47: 277–286.
9. Chen, H., Li, W., Zhao, J., & Zhu, X. The complete mitochondrial genome of the sleepy cod (Oxyeleotris lineolatus). Mitochondrial DNA Part A: DNA Mapping, Sequencing, and Analysis, 2016, 27(4):2539-2540
10.Zhu XP*, Hong XY, Zhao J, Liang JH, Feng ZC. Reproduction of captive Asian Giant soft shell turtles, Pelochelys cantorii. Chelonian Conserv Bi, 2015, 14(2): 143-147.
Representative works (chief editor)
1. Efficient breeding technology of freshwater turtles. Chemical Industry Press, 2010, Beijing.
2. Aquatic biological breeding technology. Chemical Industry Press, Beijing, 2011.
3. Raising turtles and turtles efficiently. China Machine Press, 2014, Beijing.
4. Investigation and Research on freshwater fish resources in Guangdong, Science Press, 2013, Beijing.
5. Practical techniques for healthy breeding of common freshwater species. Guangdong science and Technology Press, 2014, Guangzhou.
Authorized patent on behalf of (1st person)
1. A hatching method of the Yellow throated water turtle. ZL 2007100330247, date of authorization announcement: 2011.
2. Hatching method of Eupolyphaga flavipectus, 2009, ZL 2005 1 0121367. X, authorized announcement date: 2009.
3. A method to improve the survival rate of saplings transportation. ZL 200910042350.3, date of authorization announcement: 2011.
4. A marker primer and method for the identification of snakehead, Channa Argus and their F1 hybrids. ZL 2013 1 0186877. X, authorization announcement date: 2014.
5. A method for amplifying the full length of mitochondrial DNA of three line closed shell turtle by extracting DNA from toenails, ZL 2014 1 0068690.4, authorized announcement date: 2016.
Industry and local standards formulated and promulgated (Part 1)
1. Sc1093-2007 mauremys mutica
2. SC / t1131-2016 mauremys mutica parent and seedling of Anopheles flavipectus
3. SC / T 1118-2014 Megalobrama amblycephala
4. DB44 / t488-2008 local standard of Guangdong Province
5. DB44 / T 1735-2015 American shad local standard of Guangdong Province
6. DB44 / t536-2008 local standard of Guangdong Province