Xie Jun
1.Doctor, researcher, doctoral supervisor,
2.director of breeding and nutrition research office
3.post scientist of the national agricultural industry technology system
Research direction:
(1)Healthy aquaculture
(2)Environmental restoration of aquaculture waters
E-mail: xj@www.188233.com
Representative of scientific and technological achievements (first author or corresponding author only)
1. Proteomic signature of muscle fibre hyperplasia in response to faba bean intake in grass carp, 2017, Scientific reports,SCI. Corresponding author.
2. Gene expression profiling of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) and crisp grass carp,2014 ,International Journal of Genomics,SCI,Corresponding author.
3. Molecular cloning of type I collagen cDNA and nutritional regulation of type I collagen mRNA expression in grass carp. 2013 .J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl),SCI. Corresponding author.
4. Denitrification potential evaluation of a newly indigenous aerobic denitrifier isolated from largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides culture pond, 2017, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,SCI, Corresponding author.
5. 基于PCR-DGGE技術分析生物絮團的細菌群落結構. 2012. 水產學報. 通訊作者.
5. Analysis of bacterial community structure of biofloccula based on PCR-DGGE technology. 2012. Acta fisheries Sinica. Corresponding author