[1] Yuan Gao*, Qianfu Liu, Yanyi Zeng, Haiyan Li, Caiqin Hu, Chao Wang*. Synthesis of a novel microplastic trap with abundant oxime groups based on MOF-545 post-engineering for the environmental pollution control and water remediation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 430,139678.
[2]Yuan Gao, Keyu Fan, Jingxin Wei, Yanyi Zeng, Qianfu Liu, Chao Wang*. Effects of microplastic concentrations on the survivability and reproduction of Moina Macrocopa. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2023, 21(5):4155-4163.
[3]Yuan Gao, Keyu Fan, Chao Wang, Yanyi Zeng, Qianfu Liu*.The spatiotemporal distribution and potential ecological risk of microplastics in sediment during different seasons in the Pearl River Delta, China. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 2023, 197/1, 55-71.
[4]Yuan Gao, Zini Lai, Erchun Liu, Wanling Yang, Qianfu Liu*. Spatiotemporal variation of planktonic rotifers in surface water of a eutrophic reservoir in the southern subtropical region of China (2011?2020). Inland Water Biology, 2023, 16, 255-265.
[5]Qianfu Liu, Zini Lai, Erchun Liu, Zhi Wu, Yuan Gao*. Studies on influencing factors of phytoplankton functional groups composition and ecological status of the Dongta spawning grounds in the Pearl River, China. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2022, 20(2):1477-1501.
[6]Qianfu Liu, Yuan Gao*, Chao Wang, Yanyi Zeng, Jiajia Ni and Zini Lai*. Effects of ambient microbiota on the gut microbiota of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Water, 2022, 14, 658.
[7]Qianfu Liu, Zini Lai, Chao Wang, Jiajia Ni, Yuan Gao*. Seasonal variation significantly affected bacterioplankton and eukaryoplankton community composition in Xijiang River, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2022, 194:55.
[8]Yuan Gao, Keyu Fan, Chao Wang, Yanyi Zeng, Haiyan Li, Yongzhan Mai, Qianfu Liu* and Zini Lai*. Abundance, composition, and potential ecological risks of microplastics in surface water at different seasons in the Pearl River Delta, China. Water, 2022, 14, 2545.
[9]Yuan Gao, Haiyan Li, Yanyi Zeng, Qianfu Liu, Yongzhan Mai, Zini Lai*, Chao Wang*. Global trends in zooplankton research of freshwater ecosystems during 1991-2020: a bibliometric analysis. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2022, 20(2):1853-1872.
[10]Yuan Gao, Keyu Fan, Zini Lai, Chao Wang, Haiyan Li and Qianfu Liu*. A comprehensive review of the circulation of microplastics in aquatic ecosystem using scientometric method. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29:30935-30953.
[11]Yuan Gao, Qianfu Liu*, Yingtian Zheng, Zini Lai, Chao Wang, Yanyi Zeng, Wanling Yang. Effects of temperature, food concentration, and initial rotifer density on interspecific competition between two rotifer species. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2021, 19(5):4151-4168.
[12]Yuan Gao*, Zini Lai, Chao Wang, Haiyan Li and Yongzhan Mai. Population characteristics of Brachionus calyciflorus and their potential application for evaluating river health in the Pearl River Delta, China. Water, 2021, 13, 749.
[13]Yuan Gao, Zi-Ni Lai*, Guang-Jun Wang, Qian-Fu Liu and Er-Meng Yu*. Distribution of Zooplankton Population in Different Culture Ponds from South China, Nature, Environment and Pollution Technology. 2019, 18(1): 81-88.
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