于凌云 ,男,1980年出生,河南周口人。博士,副研究員,水產動物遺傳育種與種質資源研究室。2014.10~2018.03,畢業于日本東京海洋大學。主要從事蝦類、龜鱉類、經濟魚類種質資源創制、良種培育及養殖技術研究與應用,先后參加了大口黑鱸、草魚、鮑魚、羅氏沼蝦、巴沙魚等名特優種質資源調查與評估、良種選育工作。研究涉及分子生物學、遺傳學、發育生物學等領域。主持各類項目5項:分別為十二五國家高新技術發展計劃(863計劃)子項目、十二五國家科技支撐項目子項目各1項,以及水科院珠江水產研究所基本業務費和珠江水產研究所自主創新項目;參與項目不少于5項,如國家大宗淡水魚類產業技術體系、廣東省現代農業產業技術體系淡水魚創新團隊建設和中國-東盟海上合作基金項目。獲獎成果6項: 其中《大口黑鱸新品種培育和推廣應用》和《羅非魚、大口黑鱸等魚類種質分子鑒定研究與應用》分別獲得了中國水產科學研究院科技進步一等獎;專利5項。發表學術論文40篇(SCI期刊英文文章10篇),其中第一作者11篇(SCI期刊英文文章6篇)。
[1] Wei J, Tian L, Wang YK, Yu LY*, Zhu XP*.(2020) Effects of salinity, photoperiod, and light spectrum on larval survival, growth, and related enzyme activities in the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Aquaculture,,530, 735-794. doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2020.735794(通訊作者)
[2] Yu L*, Zhu X, Liang J, Fan J and Chen C (2019) Analysis of Genetic Structure of Wild and Cultured Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Using Newly Developed Microsatellite. Front. Mar. Sci.6:323. doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00323.
[3] Lingyun Yu*, Dongdong Xu, Huan Ye, Huamei Yue, Shioh Ooka, Hidehiro Kondo, Ryosuke Yazawa, Yutaka Takeuchi.(2018) Gonadal Transcriptome Analysis of Pacific Abalone Haliotis discus discus: Identification of Genes Involved in Germ Cell Development. Marine Biotechnology.Doi.org/10.1007/s10126-018-9809-5.
[4] Zhixin Zhang, César Capinha, Robbie Weterings, Colin L. McLay, Dan Xi, Hongjian Lü, and Lingyun Yu*.(2018)Ensemble forecasting of the global potential distribution of the invasive Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Hydrobiologia. 2018. 826(1), 367-377. Doi.org/10.1007/s10750-018-3749-y (通訊作者)
[5] Yu Lingyun*, Bai Junjie, Cao Tingting, Fan Jiajia, et al. (2014)Genetic variability and relationships among six grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella populations in China estimated using EST-SNP Markers". Fisheries Sciences 80 (3): 475-481.
[6] LY.Yu*, JJ Bai,JJ Fan, DM Ma, YC Quan,P Jiang. (2015)Transcriptome analysis of the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) using 454 pyrosequencing methodology for gene and marker discovery.Genet.Mol.Res. 14(4):19249-19263.
[7] Yu Lingyun*, Wang Guangjun. (2016)Complete mitochondrial genome of Ctenopharyngodon idella var. gold grass carp and its intraspecific comparison. Mitochondrial DNA DNA Mapp Seq Anal. 23:1-3.
[8] 于凌云,白俊杰,葉星,李勝杰,李小慧.大口黑鱸MyoD基因結構和單核苷酸多態性位點的篩選. 水產學報.2009.33(1):1-8
[9] 于凌云,白俊杰,樊佳佳,李小慧,葉星.大口黑鱸肌肉生長抑制素基因單核苷酸多態性位點的篩選及其與生長性狀關聯性分析.水產學報2010.34(6):845-851
[10] 于凌云,白俊杰,劉邦輝,樊佳佳.皇竹草和人工配合飼料營養成分分析及其對2月齡草魚的增重效果.安徽農業科學,2013.41(28):11388-11389.